I archived the emails that I sent out during the course of my term as MD Thesis Coordinator. Hopefully students and future Coordinators can find some useful information within.
MD Thesis Coordinator
Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Eli Hershkop and I am the new MD Thesis coordinator.As you may know, our school prides themselves as being one of the foremost research universities (#ubiquitin). As such, one of the requirements that needs to be completed before graduation is a research thesis. The research requirement is considered a regular course and it receives a grade.
All research Theses are published by the Technion and can be found on the Technion Library website.
There is also an award at graduation for the best research thesis.The process of submitting the thesis is complex and takes time (according to Galit, the Researcher Secretary, at least 6 months!)- so make sure to start early.
First a proposal must be submitted, which can take 3+ months to process.Then the thesis can be submitted which takes another 3 months to process.
It must be done in this order, so even if you already finished writing your thesis, you still need to first submit a proposal and get it approved. So don't wait till right before graduation!!!Important Dates:4th year- March 1st is the deadline to submit the thesis in time for graduation, according to the Rulebook.3rd yr- Recommended to submit your proposal by May- see Rulebook.1st yrs- Try to take advantage of your midwinter break to start your project. (In the past, some students found nice 'take home' projects and were able to finish much of their thesis work over break!)2nd years- keep up the good work!Important links:
There are 3 links on the page.The 2nd, is a list of all the avalaible research opportunities!The 3rd is the english guidelines (thesis Rulebook).(What about the first link??? check for yourselves)List of all the Researchers affiliated with the faculty and Rambam. If there is a professor that you like, or a field that youre interested in, contact them!For other relevant info, here is a link to the TeAMS thesis blog:Dr Tom Schultheis ( The Embryo teacher) has offered his services as a research advisor, especially for those looking for a 'basic science' project.This is the just the beginning. More to come.Good luck
Rambam's Annual Research Day
11/30/17 |
Hey Everyone,
What Role Does Research Play in My Residency Application?
This coming Thursday December 7, is Rambam's Annual Research Day.
I would like to encourage everyone to go check it out.
It's a great opportunity to see what research is currently being done at Rambam.
If you're interested in finding a thesis project and a mentor, this is probably the best opportunity to find one!
Also, please keep in mind for next year, anyone who does research at Rambam is eligible to submit their project to the conference (after consulting with your PI)- and is almost guaranteed to be accepted.
In addition to having a poster presentation, all projects will have their abstract published in Rambam's Journal of Medicine- a pubmed journal.
This is a great and easy opportunity to be a published first author on an abstract and a great resume booster!
The best time to meet the researchers/ look for a mentor will probably be at the Poster Presentations which is currently scheduled to take place 915-10 AM Thursday. At this time, the researchers will be standing by their posters to answer questions. Take advantage!
The posters will be up "at the beginning of the week" in the "walkway between the Mendleson building and the main building". You can go at your leisure and look for projects that you're interested in following up on at Thursdays conference.
There will probably be a whole bunch of other events on Thursday, so find a flier for more details.
Best Wishes,
You're Friendly Thesis Coordinator,
What Role Does Research Play in My Residency Application?
Hey Everyone,
If you are anything like me, then one your deepest, most troubling questions most probably is, "What Role Does Research Play in My Residency (ERAS- Electronic Residency Application Service® ) Application?"
In fact, you may ponder, "I have no idea what is included on the Residency applications, so how am I supposed to plan ahead?"
Hopefully this email will help address these troubling concerns and give you the much needed peace of mind as well as a clear direction for goal-setting. So please take a few minutes to look it over.
1- A number of 4th years have been kind enough to send copies of the research section of their application. There are two general categories listed: Research experiences, and Publications- which includes articles, abstracts posters and oral presentations.
Please take a few minutes to scan through them to get ideas of what different people listed. The applications are pretty diverse and are good for getting different perspectives.
2- A list of the mean research per specialty for IMGs, listed as a number. Basically they are just counting the amount (quantity) of 1- Research Experiences and 2- Publications, the average student lists on their application- with no regard to quality. (Note, if you are a US citizen then you are a US IMG. If you aren't a US citizen, i.e. Canadian, then you are a Non-US IMG, sorry.)
3- For completeness sake, and in order to demystify the Residency Application, I included 1 full ERAS Residency Application (minus the personal info) so students can familiarize themselves with other aspects of the application and get a general idea of what ERAS is looking for.
4- In the spirit of looking ahead, I would like to encourage students to actively look for opportunities to present their research. Every student must write an MD Thesis, so why not take it all the way and present it!
As you have seen above, presentations and posters are a major component of the ERAS residency application. Additionally, I am told that they are great talking points on interviews.
A great presentation opportunity is the TeAMs Research Symposium which will be held in a few months. We will keep you posted about that.
Additionally, here is a link to FISEB- ILANIT. It is an umbrella organization that includes many of the scientific and medical societies in Israel. Please take a few minutes to find the societies that relate to your interests and your field of research and consider applying to their conference. In the past, numerous TeAMS students have presented at National Conferences and have even won awards! http://fiseb.org/societies/
Knowledge is Power. Now that you have you have the knowledge, use your power to create opportunities.
Remember, any research worthy of the MD Thesis is worthy of being presented!
As Always,
Your Friendly Research Coordinator,
New Years Resolution- Practicing What I Preach
Jan 9/ 2018
Hey Everyone,
I don't usually like hanging my dirty laundry in public, but I have a confession to make- I have been procrastinating for about a year. But in the spirit of practicing what I preach, I have finally decided to submit a project I worked on to a national conference.
So tonight I submitted an abstract to "The Israel Society for Physiology and Pharmacology" conference in TA on Feb 28th. It is being run in collaboration with the Israeli Section of the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR) (nudge nudge to all of you who did cardiac research- you know who you are).
BTW, It's a good thing I didn't procrastinate any longer, because the deadline for abstract submissions are in 2 weeks.
Additionally, I intend on submitting the same project to two other conferences, The Israeli Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ISBCB)(whose conference is conveniently taking place in the Technion), as well as to the TeAMS Annual Research Symposium.
If I get accepted to all three conferences- It will give me three hits for a single project! This will go straight onto my CV and Residency applications.
Who's gonna join me?
Take a look at http://fiseb.org/societies/ and see what's relevant to you. If you have already wrote your thesis or even if haven't but you have enough data for an abstract, you can submit! And don't procrastinate if you want to make the deadlines.
Good Luck and please let me know if you do!
Your Friendly Thesis Coordinator
MD Thesis Coordinator- The Moment You have All Been Waiting For!
Hi Everyone,
MD Thesis Coordinator- The Moment You have All Been Waiting For!
Jan 26 2018
Hi Everyone,
I am excited to announce that the 2nd Annual TeAMS Research Symposium has just been finalized for Monday March 19th!
First Call For Abstracts!
This is a great opportunity to take your research to the next level and present it at a conference!
We would like to encourage all students who have done or are currently doing research to submit an abstract.
The Symposium Committee will review the submissions and select the presenters.
Like last year, there will be between 10-15 student oral presentations. Space is limited so please submit early.
We will send out a link for submissions shortly.
You have probably already heard this from me ad nauseum, (if you haven't, that means you haven't been reading my emails!) a presentation goes straight onto your CV and Residency applications. Upper years have told me that this conference specifically was a great talking point on their interview.
This is just the opening announcement, so I don't want to release all of the information yet, but among the prestigious professors that will be in attendance, will be Dr. Yochai Adir, the head of the MD Thesis Committee.
He is the person who ultimately approves your thesis, so this can be a great opportunity for him to hear your project firsthand!
For last years Program and Abstracts: Please see
This is just the beginning!
More details to follow.
Looking Forward,
Your Friendly Thesis Coordinator,
Research Symposium- "Why did you choose the Technion?"
Feb 15, 2018
“Why did you choose the Technion?”
This is one of the questions that I am most frequently asked. Whether by random strangers I just met, by family and friends, by physicians that I meet in the states, and by interviewers for medical positions. They all want to know why Technion.
My response usually is that Technion is world class Faculty, which boasts two Nobel Prize winners among its staff.
To which the next question inevitably is, “well... have you met the Nobel Prize winners? Have you heard a lecture from them?”
This is usually met by an awkward silence, and a “well, um…”
I am excited to announce that now we will all able to answer “Yes!”
For the first time ever, Dr. Avraham Hershko, Nobel Prize winner and co-discoverer of Ubiquitin will be addressing the TeAMS program!
He will be presenting at the Annual Research Symposium on March 19th at 2:30 PM in the Yellow Hall.
This many this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity!
For those of you presenting, you will be able to tell your Residency and Fellowship interviewers (as well your Grandmothers, kids and grandkids as well as anyone else who will listen) about that time that you presented at the same research conference as a Nobel Prize winner.
How many people can say that on an interview?!
For those of you attending, this is the opportunity for which you came to Technion, to be able to hear a presentation from, and hopefully even meet and interact with a Nobel Prize winner!
We need a large turnout!
It is of utmost importance that we have students both presenting and attending the event. It wasn’t easy to get Dr. Hershko to agree to attend. When Dr. Hershko gets up to speak, we want to show our appreciation and to make that that there is a respectable crowd. Hopefully, we will be able to make this an annual occurrence, and for that we need the turnout!
Additionally, we are getting a special budget for food- so don’t worry, we are planning on having a good spread!
We are making the event 2:30 PM so students can have an easy time attending.
2nd Years, it is immediately after the NBME Assessment. You can come by right after, grab something to eat and join us.
3rd Years will getting special early dismissal from rotations.
4th years will be done for the day.
Please do your best to attend.
It will benefit both you the students, and the TeAMS program.
Looking Forward!
Eli and The Research Symposium Committee.
![]() ![]() ![]() Research Coordinator- 3rd Year Proposal Deadline May 1Mar 2 2018
Mar 2, 2018
Good morning,
I hope you all enjoyed your Purim.
I just wanted to remind you all that the deadline for thesis submissions was yesterday, March 1 ( Ya, I know I'm a bit late).
If you haven't submitted your thesis yet please do so ASAP, in order to ensure that you graduate on time.
If you are running behind schedule, I would suggest meeting with Dr. Levy about it as soon as possible.
If you are interested in getting information about the progress of your thesis approval, Dr Yochai Adir, who is essentially the person who approves the Theses will be attending the TeAMS Research Symposium on March 19. It would be a good opportunity to speak to him.
Good Luck,
Your Friendly Thesis Coordinator,
Thesis Coordinator- Rambam Research Day, Great Publication Opportunity!
Hi Everyone,
It's been a while since I last wrote. I know, I miss you too.
I wanted to let you know that Rambam has now begun accepting abstracts for their their 2018 Research Day! My understanding is that anyone doing research at Rambam is eligible to submit! Submission deadline is October 15. Please see the attached files (below) for more info.
All the abstracts accepted with be published in the Rambam Science Journal, which is indexed on Pubmed. Last year we had a student publish with first authorship (see abstract #45). Here is a link to last years abstracts https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5796741/
If you are already doing a project in Rambam, this is a great opportunity to get a publication- maybe even with first authorship- with minimal additional effort.
Let me explain why this excites me so much.
Many of the projects we do as students are often of a smaller nature or are a component of a large project. As such they often don't get published, or if they do, they are often included in a larger publication in which the student gets minimal recognition.
This is a great opportunity to submit the project that you have been working on and maybe even get first authorship!
Another nice thing about research conferences is that even if your project is not fully complete you may still be eligible to submit an abstract as long as you have enough data to be considered scientifically significant.
Please remember that this isn't just for extra credit, it is important for your residency applications. There is a section on the ERAS residency application where you list the abstracts that you published.
For more information on this, including a sample ERAS application and the mean research stats per specialty etc. please see my previous email archived on the Thesis Blogsite (https://teamsthesis.blogspot.com/p/md-thesis-112417-hey-everyone-i-just.html ) from 12/15/17 titled "What Role Does Research Play in My Residency Application?".
Good luck!
Your friendly Thesis Coordinator,
Thesis Coordinator-Thesis Journal Idea
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to gauge interest for the following idea:
I was thinking that it would be nice if we could compile a Thesis Journal to hand out at graduation. That way instead of the theses just disappearing, all the projects would be in one place. We would also be also put it online on the Thesis Blog for future students to use as examples. It may also enable us to officially publish them in the future.
I believe it would also help our program. Dr. Noam Ziv was really impressed by the student presentation at the Research Symposium. This would be a way to show the Israeli administration, and other programs, the work that we have done.
Please let me know your thoughts.
P.S. I will subtly throw in that if you haven't yet started working on the thesis, now is the time.
I Miss you all, and best luck in the States,
MD Thesis- Don't forget to list your Thesis on your CV
Hi Everyone,
Please remember that the MD Thesis is cite-able. Don't forget to add it to your list of publications and on your CV.
How to cite a MD Thesis
For more information, please email the Technion Library.
MD Thesis Coordinator- Welcome
Hey First Years,
My name is Eli Hershkop, I am a 3rd year and I am the MD Thesis Coordinator for the TeAMS program. I hope to speak with your class soon to explain the whole Thesis process.
I know the first week can be overwhelming, I don't want to get you stressed about starting- you have plenty of time. But for now I just wanted to send you the link to Thesis website so you can look it over at your own leisure.
Welcome aboard and good luck!
MD Thesis Coordinator- 4th Year Deadlines
Hey 4th years
Just so you know, if you have not yet submitted your proposal you are not the only one. But it is time to get working on it!
The proposal can take up to 3 months to be approved- so make sure to have it in by December 1st (this is just my estimation, be sure to confirm) in order to be able to submit your Thesis by the official deadline of March 1.
In extenuating circumstances in which you can't get your Thesis submitted in time, Robert and Dr Levy may be able to assist you in expediting the process.
For more info please see
Good luck
MD Thesis Coordinator- All Things Helsinki
Hey Everyone,
I know this email is a tiny bit long (trust me, it took me longer to write than for you to read). I put the main points in first half, so if you don't have time for the whole thing, just read the first half, it may save you from future grief.
I have recently heard from a number of students that that their proposal/Thesis has been rejected or that their research project has been delayed for months because of problems with their Helsinki.
Based on these accounts, I would like to recommend the followin before you accept a project:
1-Make sure to ask your PI/Mentor if they have a Helsinki- you’d be surprised how many don’t yet have and either plan on submitting for an approval, or hope that the student will do the submission work for them. I have heard from numerous students that they wasted months trying to get a Helsinki approval and many of their projects ended up falling through after lots of work. Dr. Levy has been known to strongly recommend against taking a project that doesn’t yet have a Helsinki approval. So even if it is an amazing project, if it has not yet been approved, consider finding something else.
2-Make sure the PI’s name is on the Helsinki and it is from their current institution.
3-Make sure the Helsinki is current. We recently had a student whose project was rejected because the Helsinki was old, (I think it was more than 5 years old).
4- Make sure that the PI/Mentor has full permission to use the data.
5- Assume that any project needs a Helsinki unless proven otherwise, especially if the data involves anything to do with humans.
A lot of these just sound like common sense, but I have heard of students getting messed up on each of the aforementioned points, so keep them in mind.
What is a Helsinki
The Helsinki, also known as IRB or REB, is an ethical approval from an institution’s Ethics Review Board that confirms that the research being done meets their ethical codes. Each institution has its own Ethical Board that approves their projects. If research is conducted without a prior approval, the researcher can face penalties and the research may be rejected from being published. Submitting a Helsinki application is a complicated process and follows a very specific format with a lot of red tape. Because of the complexities involved, many departments have a research coordinator who applies for the approvals.
In regards to the Thesis, a Thesis proposal will not be accepted unless it has a valid Helsinki (see the rulebook https://teamsthesis.blogspot.com/ ).
Because of the complicated and intricate process of obtaining the approval, Dr. Levy has been known to strongly recommend against taking a project that doesn’t yet have a Helsinki approval.
One last point, the student’s name does not have to be on the Helsinki (and they won’t let you put your name on it unless you have taken “Good Clinical Practice” (GCP) training, which students are not required to take). But you may have to sign a form committing yourself to ethical conduct.
For info regarding Helsinki’s at Rambam please see https://www.rambam.org.il/en/research_and_innovation/clinical_trials/helsinki_committee/
For general info regarding Helsinkis https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/
For info about exemptions from Helsinki’s here is a nice little overview of guidelines from BU. Please note that since it is from a different institution rules may vary. https://www.bu.edu/researchsupport/compliance/human-subjects/determining-if-irb-approval-is-needed/
Your Friendly Thesis Coordinator,
MD Thesis Coordinator- What to look for in a project
Hey Everyone
I was asked for my recommendations for choosing a project. I wrote this on the train back from evening shift, so it Is a bit disorganized, but here are my thoughts.
My advice is based on the principles of 1-finding an easy project, 2- Maximizing the odds that it will get finished- The smaller and shorter a project- the higher the odds that you will complete it in a timely manner. 3-getting the highest yield and the maximum credit for the work put in. 4- Getting a good Mentor and 5- being proactive and honest about your commitment ability.
1- You want to make sure you’re not wasting time on factors out of your control- I have seen a ton of this! for example a student took a project to analyze specific effects of a specific Benzos anesthesia given PO to kids in the ER. The student went 3 nights a week for 3 hours over the course of whole bunch of months hoping that she would encounter such patients. Most of nights she didn’t have any. I don’t know if she even managed to complete her project.
Look for something that you can control.
Also Don’t choose a project in a location far away. Don’t take a project with hours that are not realistic ie only weekdays from 9-5.
2- Data analysis is often the highest yield for the work put in- many departments are sitting on treasure troves of data that are already collected- they just need a student to analyze it and write it up. These projects are usually take home, so you can do it from home, or from a beach in Costa Rica.
3- Make sure you know their expectations and be honest if it is too much- Be straight up with them. Ask them how many hours will the project take and over how long a time period.
4- Make sure it is a close ended project- you want ot make sure they have a hard end date for project, ie 6 months. If it is a 2 year project chances are either you or they will be gone or burnt out by then
5- Make sure they have a Helsinki
6- Don’t go too big- You want a project that is simple to complete and that you are valuable for. if it is too big It may a- take too long b- involve too many people/centers c- need many approvals.
If the project is not finished before you leave- odds are that they will forget about you and you won’t get maximum credit. If it really big and you only do a small component, they may not even put you on the publication or you will get a late number authorship.
7- Don’t follow your heart- I know what Mother Willow said, and if you get a great project in a field that you love- that’s awesome. But if you find a quick and easy project in another field- take it, finish it and be done with the Thesis. That’ll leave you with a stress free period to then follow your passion.
8- Make sure the PI is a good guy that is fair reliable and easy to work with.- Plenty of students have issues with PIs not following up, not responding to emails not giving them proper credit or dropping the project. Ask upper years for recommendations.
9- Find a PI who is pushing to publishing- All students do research, few publish, even fewer get first authorship. You are doing the work anyway- you might as well get the credit you deserve and publish. Be straight up with them and ask, and ask which number author. If they are very fair, they might even give you first authorship. If they are very fair, they might even give you first authorship. The rule I have come across is he who writes the paper gets first author, though not all will abide. Also if the PI is passionate about the project- the higher the odds they will follow through.
10- Be assertive and don’t be afraid to knock on doors.- 50% of success is just showing up
These are just my (semi-organized) thoughts. feel free to take it or leave it.
Good luck
MD Thesis - Back to the basics
Hi Everyone
I have been hearing recently that people are feeling lost about Thesis stuff. I figures I would go back and review the basics.
Really, there is a thesis website?
Here is the link to the Thesis website/blogspot. On it you can find all the rules and regulations regarding the Thesis, available projects, important info about research and residency applications, my old emails (possibly the most important), previous years research symposiums and many other stuff.
Please save the link to the blog! https://teamsthesis.blogspot.com/
How do I find a Mentor and a project?
Unfortunately we do not have a system set up that pairs students with mentors and projects. However there is a list of projects on the blog, (click here) take a look and see if any interest you. Ultimately you are going to have to find your own project, that means being proactive, asking around, sending emails, approaching and doctors and lecturers. If you are looking for interesting research happening at Rambam, scroll through the abstracts from last years research day and see if any interest you.
When is the Research Symposium?
We do not yet have a date, but we will let you know as soon as we do. If you like to present your research or to help coordinate the symposium please let me know. For last years symposium see here
Second years, I have heard that many of you feel lost regarding the Thesis process. If there is an interest, I would be happy to arrange through your Class Reps to come speak with your class.
Good Luck
TeAMS Research Expo 2019 Registration Application
Google Forms
FB 01/29/19
TeAMS Research Expo 2019 Registration Application
Google Forms
I've invited you to fill out a form: |
TeAMS Research Expo 2019 Registration Application |
Registration due by February 26, 2019 Event Date: Monday, March 26, 2019, Event Address: TBA ( Last year it was in the Yellow Hall at the Bruce and Ruth Rappaport Faculty of Medicine) Entry is open to students from all years, but space will be limited due to time constraints. Please apply as early as possible to secure a spot in the program. Please note- We are considering adding a Poster component this year that will include case reports and other projects. This depends on whether we have enough submissions- so please submit early so we can gauge. Presentations should be limited to 5-to-10 minutes in duration and should include at least one slide for each of the following talking points: 1. Title of Research Project with student's name, class, mentor name and department 2. Introduction to the topic/field of research 3. Aims and Goals of Research 4. Methods 5. Results/ Current interesting findings 6. Conclusions / What you are learning from the research so far Presentations should be visually appealing and submitted as a powerpoint file due no later than midnight on March 10th in order to be included in the final program. Sincerely, The Research Symposium Committee |
FB 01/29/19
Hi Everyone
Here is the application form for this years symposium.
Here is the application form for this years symposium.
We are considering adding a poster component to this years conference that would include Case Reports and it would enable more projects to be accepted.
This can also be a great way to showcase your MD Thesis project or other research.
This can also be a great way to showcase your MD Thesis project or other research.
Please let us know soon if you have a project to submit so we can gauge interest and feasibility.
MD Thesis - request for proposals examples
Shavua tov
I am looking for examples of proposals to post on the website/blog.
Does anyone have a proposal that was accepted that they are willing to share. You can redacted your name etc
Thank you

MD Thesis - Exemption technicalities
Hey Everyone
This has come up a number of times lately, and students have gotten messed up, so I wanted to make sure that everyone knows.
Due to technicalities, if you submit a proposal for your project you are no longer no longer eligible to apply for an exemption based on a publication. So even if your project gets published you must still rewrite it and submit it as a Thesis.
So if you want to go down the exemption route and you think your project will be accepted for publication within a reasonable time before graduation- do not submit your proposal.
Now you know.

Research Symposium- This Tuesday!
HI Everyone
The 3rd annual Research Symposium is next week, Tuesday 4-6 PM!
It is a student run event - created by the students for the students so please make sure to come and show your support for the event and your colleagues who are presenting their research!
We managed to procure additional funding, so there will be a nice spread of food!
Happy Purim and Looking Forward,
Eli and the Committee
MD Thesis- Exciting News- The MD Theses can now be found online!!!
Hi Everyone
All the previous MD Theses can now be found online on the Technion Library site.
Here is the link
For more info, please see the Blog https://teamsthesis.blogspot.com/
Also, If you plan on submitting to the Research Symposium please do so ASAP as registration is closing!!!

MD Thesis- Recommended dates
Dear 3rd years
According to the official rulebook, it is recommended to have your Thesis proposals in by May 1.
This is only a recommendation, you can choose not to, it is upto you. I am just notifying you as part of my job. For more info please see https://teamsthesis.blogspot.com/p/m3.html .

MD Thesis- Hot off the press! Updated Projects
Hey Everyone
There is a new list of updated available projects

MD Thesis- You're always on my mind
Hi Everyone
I know you all have a lot on your minds- I'll add just one more thing.
Don't forget about the Thesis!
If you find a doctor on your rotations that you enjoy working with, ask them about available projects.
For more info please see:
Best Wishes
MD Thesis Coordinator- PSA, ERAS application
Hey 4th years
Take a look at what people listed on their ERAS applications as research and presentations. For example, Lihi listed her clinical department presentations as research presentations.
Good Luck

Rambam research day
those who do research at Rambam can apply.
abstracts published in pubmed journal
Great for residency applications!!!
Take advantage!
Speak to your PI for more info (this is all I got)
MD Thesis coordinator- Last Call- Rambam Research Day
Hey Everyone
The deadline to submit for Rambam Research day is next week Oct 23. If you do research at Rambam you can potentially qualify. A published abstract is "counted" as a publication on ERAS.
For more info please the link below and speak to your PI
Chag Sameach

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