What Role Does Research Play in My Residency Application?

What Role Does Research Play in My Residency Application?

Hey Everyone,

If you are anything like me, then one your deepest, most troubling questions most probably is,  "What Role Does Research Play in ​​My Residency (ERAS- Electronic Residency Application Service® ) Application?"
In fact, you may ponder, "I have no idea what is included on the Residency applications, so how am I supposed to plan ahead?"

Hopefully this email will help address these troubling concerns and give you the much needed peace of mind as well as a clear direction for goal-setting. So please take a few minutes to look it over.

1- A number of 4th years have been kind enough to send copies of the research section of their application. There are two general categories listed: Research experiences, and Publications- which includes articles, abstracts posters and oral presentations.
Please take a few minutes to scan through them to get ideas of what different people listed. The applications are pretty diverse and are good for getting different perspectives.​

2- A list of the mean research per specialty for IMGs, listed as a number. Basically they are just counting the amount (quantity) of 1- Research Experiences and 2- Publications, the average student lists on their application- with no regard to quality. (Note, if you are a US citizen then you are a US IMG. If you aren't a US citizen, i.e. Canadian, then you are a Non-US IMG, sorry.) ​

3- For completeness sake, and in order to demystify the Residency Application, I included 1 full ERAS Residency Application (minus the personal info) so students can familiarize themselves with other aspects of the application and get a general idea of what ERAS is looking for.​

4- In the spirit of looking ahead, I would like to encourage students to actively look for opportunities to present their research. Every student must write an MD Thesis, so why not take it all the way and present it!
As you have seen above, presentations and posters are a major component of the ERAS residency application. Additionally, I am told that they are great talking points on interviews.

A great presentation opportunity is the TeAMs Research Symposium which will be held in a few months. We will keep you posted about that.
Rambam Hospital also has an annual research day. All the abstracts are published in the Rambam Science Journal, which is Pubmed indexed. It's a great opportunity for an easy publication.
 Additionally, here is a link to FISEB- ILANIT. It is an umbrella organization that includes many of the scientific and medical societies in Israel. Please take a few minutes to find the societies that relate to your interests and your field of research and consider applying to their conference. In the past, numerous TeAMS students have presented at National Conferences and have even won awards!  http://fiseb.org/societies/ and https://www.science.co.il/medical/Associations.php

Knowledge is Power. Now that you have you have the knowledge, use your power to create opportunities. 

Remember, any research worthy of the MD Thesis is worthy of being presented! 

As Always,
Your Friendly Research Coordinator,

P.S. Your MD Thesis is cite-able and should be included on your CV. Please see here

1 comment:

  1. Here is an interesting post on the topic https://www.yousmle.com/top-residency-5-things
