
Eligibility for Exemption from a Final Thesis:

An exemption from an MD thesis will be given to a student who has:

1. Successfully completed a Master’s degree (MA) or a doctorate (PhD or DSc) in one of the life sciences at a recognized academic institution.

The Committee will recommend an exemption after examining the Master’s or Doctorate’s thesis submitted.
 Although it is not included in the rulebook, if you wrote a rigorous scientific research thesis or a "final project" for your undergraduate degree, you may qualify for an exemption. (They specifically list engineering projects for exemption in the powerpoint (see Here)).

2. Completed a thesis that has been published or has definitely been accepted as an article for publication in a scientific/medical publication may be given an exemption from submitting a thesis dissertation, provided that the student has authored the article and appears as the first author on the article. Or second author - if they are "equal" to the first.(See http://www.asat.org.il/eng/batgalim/contents/md-thesis/MD_Thesis)

Bottom Line: You need either a MA/PhD thesis, or possibly an undergraduate research paper for exemption, or a first- possibly second- author publication . It must be in the sciences.

Please email all documents to Galit
Galit Cohen
Tel: 048295248
Email: mdthesis@technion.ac.il

(Please Note- A recent technicality that Galit told me, If you have already submitted a proposal and it was reviewed and accepted, you might no longer be eligible to apply for exemption. So if you think you have strong grounds for exemption try that route first before submitting your proposal.- (This may have changed, please confirm))


For a MSc or PhD thesis you need to submit:

  1. A letter written by you requesting an exemption from your thesis requirements. In that letter, please include details of your work experience gained during your study.
  2. A copy of your thesis or publication or published article (if it is a published article, your name has to be the first name in the publication for consideration)
  3. A letter of recommendation from your research advisor that states your work and contribution to the study
  4. If your research was done as part of your degree, a copy of your transcript where the final grade of the research is visible
  5. Approval from the School for Graduate Studies 
  6. A copy of your diploma.
  7. Ethics approval form for Technion if an ethics approval was needed at the school awarding the research degree. 

For a first authorship exemption you need to submit:

1. A letter written by you (as above). Include journal impact factor!
2. A copy of your article
3. A letter written by your research mentor
4. Ethics approvals (in some cases)

Please note that if you have already submitted your Thesis for review, you will not be able to apply for an exemption.

Example Exemption Letter:



Dear Thesis Committee,

I would like to submit for your review for exemption from the MD thesis requirement my masters of  _______ thesis, ____________.
This thesis was completed under the advisement of ____________ and submitted to fulfill the partial requirements for the degree of Master of ________ at __________ School of ______

To fulfill this requirement, I had to undergo the standard scientific process, paying close attention to the scientific method, and be knowledgeable in finding and interpreting appropriate current literature. Requirements for this thesis included: proposal of original hypothesis, understanding of background research, proposal of experimental methods, review of current research data, review and conclusion, and proposals of future directions for the field.  In addition, I was responsible for creating several graphs, charts, and images. The page requirement was between 50-70 pages, including abstract and references. 

This thesis project, along with the ________ years I spent conducting both basic and clinical _____________ research in the department of _________ at ___________ University, under the direction of ______________, Chief of ______________, have greatly expanded my view of the world of medicine.  Not only have I gained numerous lab techniques, and including knowledge on standard lab practices and sterile technique, but also skills in problem solving, applying ideas to new concepts, and literature searches. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 



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